Twitter for Leaders

Twitter – Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
- What is Twitter?
- Why Use Twitter?
- What are the Twitter Basics?
- Who to follow on Twitter?
- Why is Twitter so popular?
- How to use Twitter for Marketing
- How to use Twitter for Business?
- How to use Twitter to find a Job?
- How do I get started with Twitter?
- How to use hashtag # on Twitter?
- Twitter Tips?
- What should I tweet?
- What should I write in my twitter bio?
- How to Tweet?
- How do I get more Twitter Followers?
- Quick Twitter Tutorial?
- Beginners Guide to Twitter?
- How to use Twitter effectively?
- How to use the Twitter App?
- How to use Twitter on a mobile?
- How to tweet on the iPhone?
- What are the Best Brands on Twitter?
“LinkedIn is for the people you know. Facebook is for the people you used to know. Twitter is for people you want to know.”
What is Twitter?
Twitter is a social networking platform on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets.” Tweets were initially restricted to 140 characters, but this limit has doubled to 280 for most languages. Users can post, like, and retweet tweets. Users access Twitter generally through its website or its mobile-device application.
Twitter was created in 2006, and today Twitter over 320 million monthly active users. During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Twitter was the largest source of breaking news on the day, with 40 million election-related tweets.
If you do not have a Twitter account, you can use, as an example, the “Strategies for Influence” Tweeter account here:
Why use Twitter?
Twitter is used for Social Messaging
Twitter started as a micro-blogging or instant messaging service. However, it has evolved into much more than a tool to type in quick status updates. Twitter’s ability to allow you to follow people and have followers and to interact easily has made it a social messaging tool. Twitter is an accessible tool for quickly communicating a message to a social group or all your followers.
Twitter is used for News
Twitter is used by News Services across the world to be the first to make Breaking News. News Service’s Tweets include texts, video, and links to their reporting websites or other internet channels. Examples include:
- @ABCNewsLive: ABC News’ “Live” account for streaming video –
- @BreakingNews: NBC News-owned Breaking News –
- @CNNBrk: CNN’s breaking news –
- @WSJbreakingnews: WSJ’s breaking news@CBSTopNews: CBS top news –
- @BBCBreaking: BBC’s breaking news –
- @CBSTopNews: CBS breaking news –
Twitter is used for Politics
It is used by politicians to make announcements and promote their viewpoint. It has also been used to coordinate revolutions and social protest. Examples include:
- Barack Obama – @BarackObama –
- Donald Trump – @POTUS –
- Donald J. Trump – @realDonaldTrump –
- Nancy Pelosi – @SpeakerPelosi –
- Arnold Schwarzenegger – @Schwarzenegger –
- Mitt Romney@SenatorRomney –
- Emmanuel Macron – @EmmanuelMacron –
Twitter is used for Entertainment
Artists from the arts, music, and entertainment use Twitter and the entertainment industry to market and promote their brands, music, movies, and events. Examples include:
- Netflix US – @netflix –
- HBO – @HBO –
- MTV – @MTV –
- Disney – @Disney –
Twitter is used for Marketing
Twitter is used for social media marketing. It is a social media platform for getting the branding messages directly to their community of followers, bypassing tradition indirect channels. Examples include:
- Coca-Cola – @CocaCola –
- McDonald’s – @McDonalds –
- Burger King – @BurgerKing –
- KFC – @kfc –
- Pizza Hut – @pizzahut –
- Toyota Canada – @ToyotaCanada –
- Mazda Canada – @mazdacanada –
- Ford Canada – @FordCanada –
- Subaru – @subaru_usa –
What are the Twitter Basics?
What are Tweets?
Twitter users can write, post, and interact with messages known as “Tweets.” Tweets are generally publicly visible, but senders can restrict message delivery to only their followers.
What are Followers?
Users may follow other users’ tweets by pressing the “Follow” button. Twitter accounts that follow your account are then known as “followers.” Tweets can be forwarded or shared by any user; this action is known as a “Retweet.” Users can also “like” individual tweets.
When you select to follow another Twitter user, that user’s tweets appear in reverse chronological order on your main Twitter page. If you follow multiple accounts, you’ll see a mix of tweets scrolling down the page, chronologically.
“It’s not just about consuming content, but sharing it, passing it on, and adding to it.”
Who are some Business Leaders I can follow on Tweeter?
Successful Leaders, you can follow in Tweeter include some of the following:
- Bill Gates –
- Elon Musk –
- Arianna Huffington –
- Indra Nooyi –
- Jack Ma –
- Meg Whitman –
- Jeff Bezos –
- Mary Barra –
- Oprah Winfrey –
- Strategies for Influence –
Which User accounts have the largest Follower base?
- @BarackObama – Barack Obama – 108 million – Former U.S. President
- @katyperry – Katy Perry 108 million – Musician
- @justinbieber – Justin Bieber 106 million – Musician
- @rihanna – Rihanna 93 million – Musician
- @taylorswift13 – Taylor Swift 84 million – Musician
- @Cristiano – Cristiano Ronaldo 79 million – Footballer
- @ladygaga – Lady Gaga 79 million – Musician and actress
- @TheEllenShow – Ellen DeGeneres 78 million – Comedian
- @YouTube – YouTube 72 million – Online video platform
- @jtimberlake – Justin Timberlake 65 million – Musician and actor
Examples of Humor on Tweets
- @JimMcCue: I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. – Bill Gates / How is it this guy has not hired me yet?
- @RunOldMan: My neighbor across the street does yoga in her yard, I watch her through my guest room window, but I don’t use my binoculars because that would be creepy.
- @freefanaddict: Dentist’s steal teeth for the tooth fairy money.
- @TheAndrewNadeau: Imagine being a frog and someone kisses you and you turn into a prince so then you have to marry that person even though you straight up know she kisses frogs.
- @meghaffer: OMG this view is amazing!!! / me opening the lid on the pizza box
- @living_marble: Oh sure, the continents get to drift forever and it’s “a natural geologic process” but when I do it I’m “wasting my potential.”
- @pleatedjeans: I am good at cheering people up if you are feeling down just come hang out with me I will make your life look much better by comparison
- @sabrinawxm: I want a husband. I’m tired of telling 20 guys how my day went
- @mondaypunday: I moved in with my girlfriend after 1 year. People say we’re rushing in but we’re both so in love with saving $900/mo.
- @yenniwhite: Writing a love poem called “Put the Dishes in the Dishwasher, but Not Like That.”
- @RogerQuimbly: I get most of my exercise these days from shaking my head in disbelief.
- @NotMoscona: Age 17: sneak out of the house to go to a party / Age 37: sneak out of a party to go home
- @junejuly12: My therapist told me to take more risks so I parted my hair on the other side this morning.
Twitter FAQs to be covered with our Next Instalment
- How to use Twitter for Marketing
- How to use Twitter for Business?
- How to use Twitter to find a Job?
- How do I get started with Twitter?
- How to use hashtag # on Twitter?
- Twitter Tips?
- How to Tweet?
- How do I get more Twitter Followers?
- Quick Twitter Tutorial?
- Beginners Guide to Twitter?
- How to use Twitter effectively?
- How to use the Twitter App?
- How to use Twitter on a mobile?
- How to tweet on the iPhone?
“Things that help others is what gets the most shares.” – @chrisbrogan “We’re living at a time when attention is the new currency: With hundreds of TV channels, billions of Web sites, podcasts, radio shows, music downloads and social networking, our attention is more fragmented than ever before.”
– Pete Cashmore
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“Twitter is not a technology. It’s a conversation. And it’s happening with or without you.”
Books about Twitter
- The Tao of Twitter: Changing Your Life and Business 140 Characters at a Time, by Mark W. Schaefer, 2012
- Twitter In 30 Minutes (3rd Edition): How to connect with interesting people, write great tweets, and find information that’s relevant to you, by Ian Lamont, 2016
- 140 Twitter Tips for Educators: Get Connected, Grow Your Professional Learning Network, and Reinvigorate Your Career, by Brad Currie, William Krakower, et al., 2016
- Twitter For Dummies, by Laura Fitton, 2010
- Twitter Power, by Joel Comm, 2009
- Twitter, by Dhiraj Murthy, 2012
- Twitter Wit, by Nick Douglas, 2009
- Twitter for Writers, by Rayne Hall, 2014
- Hatching Twitter, by Nick Bilton, 2014
- Twitter Revolution, by Deborah Micek and Warren Whitlock, 2008
- Twitter Marketing For Dummies, by Kyle Lacy, 2011
- Twitter Data Analytics, by Shamanth Kumar, 2013
- Twitter Power 3.0, by Joel Comm, 2015
- Everyday Twitter Made Easy, by Richard Williams, 2014
- Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets, by Paul McFedries, 2010
- 21 Recipes for Mining Twitter, by Matthew A. Russell, 2011
- Facebook and Twitter For Seniors For Dummies, by Marsha Collier, 2010
- Learn Twitter in 10 Minutes, by Lynn C. Schreiber, 2012
- How to Twitter for Business Success by Nicky Kriel, 2013
- Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business, by Ted Prodromou, 2013
- The Twitter Job Search Guide, by Susan Britton Whitcomb, 2010
- Make Twitter Work for Your Business, by Alex Stearn, 2014
Quotes about Twitter
“I tweet, therefore my entire life has shrunk to 140 character chunks of instant event & predigested gnomic wisdom. & swearing.” – @NeilGaiman
“Twitter is not a technology. It’s a conversation. And it’s happening with or without you.” – @charleneli
“When you’ve been on Instagram and Twitter long enough, you know how mean people can be.” – Jonathan Van Ness
“The best way to engage honestly with the marketplace via Twitter is to never use the words “engage,” “honesty,” or “marketplace.” – Jeffrey Zeldman
“How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?” – Seth Godin
“If Paul Revere had been a modern day citizen, he wouldn’t have ridden down Main Street. He would have tweeted.” – @AlecJRoss
“All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join the economy.” -Don Tapscott
“I initially signed up for Twitter just to do jokes I wasn’t going to do in my stand-up routine.” – Jim Gaffigan
“I’ve had to learn when not to tweet. Like, you learn how to keep your mouth shut? Learn to keep your tweet shut.” – @thatdanstevens
“Activate your fans, don’t just collect them like baseball cards.” – Jay Baer
“What you post online speaks VOLUME about who you really are. POST with intention. REPOST with caution.”
― Germany Kent
“The old paradigm was pay to play. Now you get back what you authentically put in. You’ve got to be willing to play to play.” -Alex Bogusky
“There’s more value in messages shared publicly because more opportunities arise. A kind of social alchemy takes place when a seemingly valueless message finds its way to someone for whom it strikes a chord.” – @toomuchnick
“LinkedIn is for the people you know. Facebook is for the people you used to know. Twitter is for people you want to know” – unknown
“99% [of my Twitter feed is] links, but 1% is me responding and 1% of a big number is a big number.” – @GuyKawasaki
“Twitter makes me like people I don’t even know, and Facebook makes me hate people I know in real life.” – @betchaboy
“A creative idea plus a fresh network is the best way to go from zero to millions.” – @peretti
“YOU ARE WHAT YOU TWEET!” – Germany Kent
“It’s not just about consuming content, but sharing it, passing it on, and adding to it.” – @ariannahuff
Videos about Twitter
15 Things You Didn’t Know About TWITTER
How to Use Twitter for Business in 2019
“How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?”
– Seth Godin
Image Credit: Image by edar from Pixabay
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