Ken Blanchard – The One Minute Manager

Ken Blanchard – The One Minute Manager – Contents
- Ken Blanchard Biography
- Ken Blanchard’ Big Idea: The One Minute Manager
- Interesting Facts and Insights about Ken Blanchard
- Career Advice Quotes by Ken Blanchard
- Business Advice Quotes by Ken Blanchard
- Leadership and Management Advice Quotes by Ken Blanchard
- Ken Blanchard Inspirational Quotes
- Books by Ken Blanchard
- Articles by Ken Blanchard
- Questions about Ken Blanchard
- Videos about Ken Blanchard
Ken Blanchard Biography
Kenneth Blanchard is an author with over 60 published books, most of which are co-authored. He is also an influential leadership expert. Blanchard’s BIG IDEA, “The One Minute Manager,” is explained in the book he co-authored called “The One Minute Manager,” which became an iconic New York Times bestseller.
Blanchard is also a co-founder of an international management training and consulting firm founded in 1979 in California. Blanchard’s books are easy to read and focused on management and leadership insights.
Ken Blanchard’ Big Idea: The One Minute Manager
Blanchard’s BIG IDEA, “The One Minute Manager,” is explained in a short book he co-authored called “The One Minute Manager,” which was published in 1982. The book tells a story, recounting three techniques of an effective manager. The three methods are:
- One-minute Goals: Goals needs need to be kept front and center to determine if the behavior is matching your goal. Goal setting is an essential tool for management because it provides immediate feedback to a team member.
- One-minute Praise: Praise communicates that the manager cares. Taking a moment to comment on something a team member has done that you value, provides feedback, and reinforces positive behaviors. Praising includes timely feedback, sharing with them what they did right, sharing how you feel about it, and encouraging them to do more of the same.
- One-minute Reprimand (or Re-Direct): The One-minute Reprimand management technique has recently been updated in Blanchard’s updated book called the “The NEW One Minute Manager.” The update changes Reprimand to read One Minute Re-Directs. According to Blanchard: “The difference between a reprimand and redirection is whether a person is a learner or not. A Reprimand is for when a person knows better than what they are doing. A Re-Direct is for a person who is a learner. Today, with the constant need for skill development, everyone is a learner.”
Each of these key management actions can take as little as a minute but are purported to have lasting benefits as feedback and coaching for a team member.
Interesting Facts and Insights about Ken Blanchard
- Born: Kenneth Hartley Blanchard was born in 1939 in Orange, New Jersey.
- School: Blanchard attended New Rochelle High School in New York and graduated in 1957.
- BA: Blanchard completed a BA degree in government and philosophy at Cornell University in 1961.
- MA: Blanchard completed an MA degree in sociology and counseling at Colgate University in 1963.
- Ph.D.: Blanchard completed a Ph.D. degree in education administration and leadership at Cornell University in 1967.
- Ken Blanchard Companies: Ken Blanchard co-founded The Ken Blanchard Companies, an international management training and consulting firm with his wife, Margie Blanchard, in 1979 in San Diego, California.
- The One Minute Manager: Blanchard’s best selling book was published in 1982. It was a short 112-page book co-authored by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson.
- Spencer Johnson: Patrick Spencer Johnson (1938 – 2017) was an American physician and author, known for his 1998 motivational book “Who Moved My Cheese?” Spencer Johnson co-authored the One Minute Manager series of books with Ken Blanchard. Also, each author has added their own books to the series.
- Professor: Blanchard is a Cornell University trustee emeritus and visiting professor at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration.
- Chief Spiritual Officer: Blanchard is also the Chief Spiritual Officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies.
- Speakers Award: Blanchard has received the Council of Peers Award of Excellence from the National Speakers Association.
- HRD Hall of Fame: Blanchard has been inducted into the HRD Hall of Fame by Training magazine and Lakewood Conferences
- Toastmasters: Blanchard has received the Golden Gavel Award from Toastmasters International.
- Wife: Ken Blanchard is married to Marjorie Blanchard.
- Nationality: Ken Blanchard is an American national.
- Home: Ken Blanchard lives with his wife, Margie, in San Diego, California.
Career Advice Quotes by Ken Blanchard
“Take a minute: look at your goals, look at your performance, see if your behavior matches your goals.”
“People who feel good about themselves produce good results”
“We are not just our behavior. We are the person managing our behavior”
“If you don’t blow your own horn, someone else will use it as a spittoon.”
“Goals begin behaviors, consequences maintain them.”
“Knowing where you’re going is the first step to get there.”
“All good performance starts with clear goals.”
“When you stop learning you stop growing.”
“Your game is only as good as your practice.”
“A passionate activity is one you’re doing without regard for time.”
“Don’t get a big head when you win or get too down in the dumps when you lose. Keep things in perspective. Success is not forever and failure isn’t fatal.”
“We can’t always control what happens in our lives- things will go well, things will go poorly-but what we can control is our response to those events.”
“Learning is defined as a change in behavior. You haven’t learned a thing until you take action and use it.”
“A problem only exists if there is a difference between what is actually happening and what you desire to be happening.”
“A clear purpose will unite you as you move forward, values will guide your behavior, and goals will focus your energy.”
“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses – only results.”
“Many people measure their success by wealth, recognition, power and status. There’s nothing wrong with those, but if that’s all you’re focused on, you’re missing the boat…if you focus on significance -using your time and talent to serve others -that’s when truly meaningful success can come your way.”
What a great time Simon Sinek and I had chatting about servant leadership last week! Big thanks to everyone who attended the event, whether in person or online. If you missed it, watch the full recording here (available only until August 18): @simonsinek
— Ken Blanchard (@kenblanchard) August 7, 2019
Business Advice Quotes by Ken Blanchard
“Empowerment is something someone gives you. Self-leadership is what you do to make it work.”
“Help people reach their full potential. Catch them doing something right.”
“When people don’t know what’s going on, it’s human nature for them to imagine a version that’s ten times worse than the truth!”
“80% of your really important results will come from 20% of your goals.”
“Feedback on results is the number one motivator of people.”
“No one can make you serve customers well. That’s because great service is a choice.”
“Some of the greatest advances happen when people are bold enough to speak their truth and listen to others speak theirs.”
“We are not just our behavior. We are the person managing our behavior.”
“As a manager, the important thing is not what happens when you are there, but what happens when you are not there.”
“One of the biggest obstacles to high performance in organizations comes from unclear expectations and accountability.”
“Everyone knows that not all change is good or even necessary. But in a world that is constantly changing, it is to our advantage to learn how to adapt and enjoy something better.”
Leadership and Management Advice Quotes by Ken Blanchard
“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.”
“None of us is as smart as all of us.”
“Humility does not mean you think less of yourself. It means you think of yourself less.”
“In the past, a leader was a boss. Today’s leaders must be partners with their people… they no longer can lead solely based on positional power.”
“Effective team leaders adjust their style to provide what the group can’t provide for themselves.”
“For a manager to be perceived as a positive manager, they need a four to one positive to negative contact ratio.”
“The people who work with you as their manager will look to you as one of their sources of wisdom.”
“Leadership is not something you do to people. It’s something you do with people.”
“Vision is knowing who you are, where you’re going, and what will guide your journey.”
“If you want to know why your people are not performing well, step up to the mirror and take a peek.”
“Catching people doing things right is a powerful management concept.”
“Anytime you use your influence to affect the thoughts and actions of others, you are engaging in leadership.”
“Empowerment requires a major shift in attitude. The most crucial place that this shift must occur is in the heart of every leader.”
“In the past, a leader was a boss. Today’s leaders must be partners with their people… they no longer can lead solely based on positional power.”
“If you can find a successor who can carry on after your season of leadership has ended, that’s always the hallmark of a great leader.”
“Servant-leader ship is all about making the goals clear and then rolling your sleeves up and doing whatever it takes to help people win. In that situation, they don’t work for you, you work for them.”
“Connect the dots between individual roles and the goals of the organization. When people see that connection, they get a lot of energy out of work. They feel the importance, dignity, and meaning in their job.”
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“Creating a compelling vision is one of the privileges and most serious demands of leaders.”
– Ken Blanchard
Ken Blanchard Inspirational Quotes
“People who produce good results feel good about themselves.”
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”
“Help people reach their full potential catch them doing something right”
“The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people”
“The best way to teach people is by telling a story”
“Empowerment is all about letting go so that others can get going.”
“People don’t mind being challenged to do better if they know the request is coming from a caring heart.”
“That’s the beauty of servant leadership. It not only serves people; it also produces superior results.”
Books by Ken Blanchard
- The One Minute Manager, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, 1982
- Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach To Customer Service, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Sheldon M. Bowles, 1993
- Gung Ho! Turn On the People in Any Organization, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 1997
- Whale Done! by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2002
- Leading at a Higher Level, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2006
- Lead Like Jesus, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2003
- Managing by Values, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 1996
- One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey, by Hal Burrows, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and William Oncken, 1985
- Heart of a Leader, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 1999
- Trust Works! Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships, by Cynthia Olmstead, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and Martha C. Lawrence, 2013
- Servant Leadership in Action: How You Can Achieve Great Relationships and Results, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Renee Broadwell, 2018
- Legendary Service: The Key is to Care, by Kathy Cuff, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and Victoria Halsey, 1996
- The Secret: What Great Leaders Know–and Do, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Mark L. Miller, 2004
- Lead with LUV: A Different Way to Create Real Success, by Colleen Barrett and Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2010
- Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute, by John P. Carlos, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and W. Alan Randolph, 1994
- Who Killed Change? Solving the Mystery of Leading People Through Change, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2009
- Leadership and the One Minute Manager, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Patricia Zigarmi, 1985
- Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy Called “Don’t Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A, by Garry O. Ridge and Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2009
- Great Leaders Grow: Becoming a Leader for Life, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Mark L. Miller, 2012
- Generosity Factor: Discover the Joy of Giving Your Time, Talent, and Treasure, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and S. Truett Cathy, 2002
- Lead Like Jesus Revisited, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Phil Hodges, 2016
- Leadership by the Book: Tools to Transform Your Workplace, by Bill Hybels, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and Phil Hodges, 1999
- Collaboration Begins with You: Be a Silo Buster, by Eunice Parisi-Carew, Jane Ripley, and Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2015
- Refire! Don’t Retire: Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Morton Shaevitz, 2015
- The Power of Ethical Management, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 1988
- The Simple Truths of Service: Inspired by Johnny the Bagger, by Barbara Glanz and Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2005
- The One Minute Apology: A Powerful Way to Make Things Better, by Kenneth H. Blanchard and Margret McBride, 2002
- Everyone’s A Coach: Five Business Secrets for High-Performance Coaching, by Don Shula and Kenneth H. Blanchard, 1995
- Focus on Leadership, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2001
- The One Minute Entrepreneur: The Secret to Creating and Sustaining a Successful Business, by Don Hutson, Ethan Willis, and Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2007
- Lead Your Family Like Jesus: Powerful Parenting Principles from the Creator of Families, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, Phil Hodges, and Tricia Goyer, 2013
- Whale Done Parenting: How to Make Parenting a Positive Experience for You and Your Kids, by Chuck Tompkins, Kenneth H. Blanchard, and Thad Lacinak, 2009
- One Minute Mentoring: How to Find and Work With a Mentor–And Why You’ll Benefit from Being One, by Claire Diaz Ortiz and Kenneth H. Blanchard, 2017
- Catch People Doing Something Right: Ken Blanchard on Empowerment, by Kenneth H. Blanchard, 1999
“A person can serve without leading, but a leader can’t lead well without serving.”
– Ken Blanchard
Articles by Ken Blanchard
- Effective Leadership Is Transformational, by Ken Blanchard, CLO Magazine, 2019
- The Power of Beliefs, by Ken Blanchard, CLO Magazine, 2019
- Servant Leadership Is Not What You Think: Ken Blanchard Explains, by Ken Blanchard, Forbes, 2018
- Why Trust In Leadership Leads To Better Employee Performance, by Ken Blanchard, Forbes, 2017
- 6 Spooky Signs You Work for a Halloween ‘Frankenboss’, by Ken Blanchard,, 2016
- 8 Movies That Can Make You A Better Leader, by Ken Blanchard, Fast Company, 2016
- 5 Short Books That Will Make You a Better Leader, by Ken Blanchard, Inc., 2016
Questions about Ken Blanchard?
- How to contact or follow Ken Blanchard?
- Ken Blanchard’s Facebook Account:
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- Ken Blanchard’s Website:
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- Ken Blanchard’s E-Mail:
“Help people reach their full potential catch them doing something right”
– Ken Blanchard
“Strategies for Influence” explores and shares the BIG IDEAS from the Leaders of Influence that can help you with your Career, Business, and Leadership. Click on any of the links below to explore the Big Ideas that have influenced our work and lives.
“Goals begin behaviors, consequences maintain them.”
– Ken Blanchard
Videos about Ken Blanchard
Ken Blanchard – One Minute Manager
Ken Blanchard on The One Minute Manager
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”
– Ken Blanchard
Image Credit:sean dreilinger
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